# Documentation

Some brief documentation to start out with.


Create a table with a single cell

  #value = 1
  #name = "Alan Turing"

Create an array

  #vector = [1 2 3]

Create a column array

  #column = [1; 2; 3]

Create a 2D table

  #two-by-three = [1 2 3
                   4 5 6]

Create a table with named columns

  #with-columns = [|name   age height|
                    "Yan"  20  100
                    "Seth" 23  102]

Create an inline table

  #inline-table = [name: "Yan" age: 20 height: 100]

Create a nested table

  #nested-table = [type: "div" parameters: [width: 100 height: 50]]

Slicing Tables

Tables are 1-indexed, meaning the first element of the table is at index 1 (not 0 as in C-like languages)

Tables are indexed with the index operator {}. For example, we can get the 3rd element of a vector:

  #slice1 = #vector{3}

Get the 2nd row, 3rd column:

  #slice2 = #two-by-three{2,3}

Grab every row or column with the : operator

  #slice3 = #two-by-three{:,3}

Slice a range of columns

  #slice4 = #two-by-three{1,2:3}

Access a named column

  #slice5 = #with-columns.height

Or a specific row of a column

  #slice6 = #with-columns.height{2}

But you can still use indexes on tables with named columns

  #slice7 = #with-columns{2,3}

Access the value of a nested table by chaining {} operators

  #slice8 = #nested-table{2}{1}


Mech identifiers can contain - and / characters, which means math operators aside from negation must have spaces around them.

Math with scalars

  #result1 = 1 + 2

Math with negation

  #result1 = 1 + -(7 + 2)

Math with scalar and vector

  x = [1 2 3]
  #result2 = x + 1

Math with vectors. The operator is applied element-wise

  x = [1 2 3]
  y = [4 5 6]
  #result3 = x + y

Element-wise operations apply to 2d tables as well

  x = [1 2 3
       4 5 6]
  y = [7 8 9
       6 5 4]
  #result4 = x + y

Functions use named arguments. The same function can have different arguments depending on the input

  #result5 = math/sin(degrees: 90)
  #result6 = math/sin(radians: 90 * 3.14 / 180)

The input to a function can be a column. Regular functions operate element-wise on columns, and result in a column

  x = [30; 60; 90; 180; 240; 360]
  #result7 = math/sin(degrees: x)

Aggregates operate on a column, but the result is a single cell

  x = [30; 60; 90; 180; 240; 360]
  #result8 = stats/sum(column: x)